My thought - Being adults

April 04, 2018

"being adults surprising me"

as I grew up I realise the real so scary
saw people do anything to save theirself without thinking others
everything come out no easily for me even I still struggling with others things
when I saw people have it easily by bad behaviour such as cheating
wow it's new for me and so surprised
I feel like life isn't fair
especially when someone won on me by cheating
I angry, disappointed, sad and feeling worthless


face everything as a woman and can't believing what an adult issues about and I'm not ready yet but I can't do anything I have to fight for it
people always complaining about my life
people always comparing about my life
people always talk about what should I do
and always asked why do this, why not this, what about this, can you be like she/he

it's so weary
all those question make me asked to myself


do you guys know? compering and complaining about others life make the person got an oppressed
so please do not asked something about other privacy because you never know what have done with others life right?

I'm trying to dealing about everything that adults people issues which actually I'm not ready yet but I should ready
yeah I'm going to be adults on age and I have to act like a woman not a girl anymore
actually it's so funny when I remember when I was child I really want to be a woman 
at that day I was thought that if I'm a woman I could do anything that I want, such as go to shopping alone, buying my food without asking my mom, I could sleep midnight, dating with cool man, wearing makeup etc and yeah I did it but I never know being adults means I have a ton of responsibilities to take and I have to decided about something not only for me but people around me because what I've decided about will impact to people around me 
it's so difficult, not as easy as choose which lipstick that I want to wear today
until now I still asked to myself

can I do better?

and I wish the answer is 


but I still have no idea....

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